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Wahooz On the Promenade


Ushaka Beachfront, Durban, South Africa




Londi Busse, Dorina Cherneva, Dereck Fariala and Melissa Matthews


Restaurant Design

Our solution to the design problem is to bring a sense of fun and relaxation into the space by making customers feel if they are in a tropical paradise.

Our design was inspired by tropical beach clubs which were researched in precedent studies conducted by each designer. Each designer developed sketches and layouts to establish the final design. The overall design scheme features a circular theme which mimics the surrounding environment of the Durban Promendade:  the sun rising, the momentum of the waves and the colours found within nature. The space provides exciting activities for the target market: fun swing-surfboard-seating, wave-shaped bar counters, a round rotating stage with room to dance and interact and trendy spots for the customers to snap photos and advertise the restaurant online.

By utilising the combination of sharp lines and organic shapes, rhythmic patterns and textures, a great sense of balance and harmony has been created throughout the space which in turn creates a tranquil and calming environment. These all work together to create an aesthetically pleasing and fun restaurant environment that is focused on the user's experience.

Natural, local and sustainable materials have been used throughout the design, as well as the reclamation of existing materials. The performance, reliability and cost of the materials and fittings chosen are weather-resistant and lightweight, and have been selected based on their durability and ability to withstand the effects of the extreme weather conditions. Most of the chosen materials contain textures that allude to a neutral and natural feeling, making the customer feel like they really are in a tropical paradise.

Design Gallery

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